It’s okay to admit you don’t want to stop. You read that right. It’s okay to admit you don’t want to stop. When I tell people who are new to recovery that it’s okay to admit that, their eyes open wide and they say, “It’s okay for me to say that out...
Hiding emotions of fear, anxiety, guilt, or anger by putting on a façade to the outside in order to convey confidence and self-esteem is not only ineffective, in the long run it can be bad for your health. We’ve all heard the expression “fake it until you make it.” It...
New York Pathways uses Zoom conferencing for all telehealth services. Zoom is free and easy to use. Just download the Zoom application and call us at 212-244-4447 so we can run through the...
As therapists we know the ravishing effects of sexual abuse on a developing mind. For many of us it is welcome news that more states are making organizations pay a heavy price for a culture that is quietly permissive of sex abuse. To date, 45 states have raised the...
When a sex addict’s behavior is revealed to their spouse, it’s typically a surprise. A traumatizing surprise. And yet, for too long, the classical addiction model inferred that these spouses, far from being unaware of their partners’ addictions, were “enabling” the...
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