New Pathways
Sex Addicts Need to Just Let Go
It's okay to admit you don't want to stop. You read that right. It’s okay to admit you don’t want to stop. When I tell people who are new to recovery that it’s okay to admit that, their eyes open wide and they say, “It’s okay for me to say that out loud?” Yes....
Fake it Until You Break it!
Hiding emotions of fear, anxiety, guilt, or anger by putting on a façade to the outside in order to convey confidence and self-esteem is not only ineffective, in the long run it can be bad for your health.
Awareness, Acceptance, Action in the Age of COVID-19
If there is one 12-step slogan or practice to use as your go-to during a crisis, Awareness, Acceptance, Action might be one. If you’re feeling isolated, lonely or anxious this simple tool can help bring you to a more centered and connected place. Below is a Gestalt therapy approach to this important practice.
Services Are Now In Person Or On Telehealth Platforms
New York Pathways uses Zoom conferencing for all telehealth services. Zoom is free and easy to use. Just download the Zoom application and call us at 212-244-4447 so we can run through the process.
Am I a Sex Addict?!
How sex addiction starts, how it takes over our life, and how therapy helps us regain control. Runtime: 5:00min
Research is showing that people who describe their sexual behavior as potentially self-destructive are far more prevalent than previously thought (Dickenson, 2018)…
Use of EMDR at New York Pathways
EMDR as a Treatment Option for Sex Addicts Treatment of sex addiction at New York Pathways is multi-faceted and consists of more than talk therapy. We have found over the years that by combining a number of treatment modalities, we can help our clients find lasting...
Gay Men’s Sex Addiction Recovery Group
Addiction and the LGBTQ Community Addiction hits the LGBTQ community at much higher rates than within the heterosexual community environment. Gay men face stigma on multiple fronts from both the larger culture as well as closer to home by way of intra-community...
Sex Addiction Defined
SEX ADDICTION DEFINED Sex addiction is a condition marked by obsessive thinking about sex and by a persistent compulsion to engage in sexual behavior in spite of negative consequences. These are the essential characteristics of sex addiction:...
The Art of Self-Deception
July 21, 2017 by Tim Lee Scott Peck wrote in The Road Less Traveled that “Mental health is the ongoing process of dedication to reality at all costs.” People struggling with addictive sexual behavior have lost touch with reality. They are in the land of...
Sex Addiction – Not a “One Size Fits All” Disease
“I desperately wanted to have sex with him or for him to want me, but afterwards, I felt like a discarded crack vile. Empty, used, worthless.”…anonymous Women always have been overlooked or underrepresented in studies of alcohol, drug, gambling or sex...