How sex addiction starts, how it takes over our life, and how therapy helps us regain control. Runtime: 5:00min Video Transcript We live in an isolating world of compulsive social media behavior and 24/7 access to sexual arousal. Is hypersexuality the new...
There may come a time in when you can no longer minimize your destructive sexual behavior. You cannot rationalize or deny it and you can no longer blame someone else. You realize that, not only must you “own” your destructive behavior, you also need to do something...
EMDR as a Treatment Option for Sex Addicts Treatment of sex addiction at New York Pathways is multi-faceted and consists of more than talk therapy. We have found over the years that by combining a number of treatment modalities, we can help our clients find lasting...
“I desperately wanted to have sex with him or for him to want me, but afterwards, I felt like a discarded crack vile. Empty, used, worthless.”…anonymous Women always have been overlooked or underrepresented in studies of alcohol, drug, gambling or sex addiction. It...
May 26, 2017 by Tim Lee I find when working with clients, almost all of them can pinpoint an instance when they just “knew” that their compulsive sexual behavior had become a serious problem. Whether it was paid sex, an affair, a one night stand, or compulsive...
May 26, 2017 by Tim Lee I always wanted to visit Lake Champlain. The story of the great Fort Ticonderoga, situated on a hill overlooking the lake, fascinated me after reading the book 1776 by David McCullough. A few years ago, my father and I traveled from Montréal to...
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